Friday, March 24, 2006

Home Alone?

At last they go back home and check in on the monkey.

"Home so soon?"

One of your friends, Monkeyboy?

What, no balloons?


Assume the position!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Flat Milly Goes To Bar Harbor

Flat Milly then goes to Bar Harbor with Dave and Cathy, (I think they made a mistake by leaving the monkey home alone).

Flat Milly shows them the way

Are we close enough to the harbor for ya?

We Can come back in like July, right?

Now everyone knows the first thing you do is go to Bar Harbor for their awesome Chinese food. That rumor that you can get great fresh seafood is just a dodge for the tourists

Flat Milly relaxes at the end of the day

Until she is scared by the nasty foot monster!

Even Flat Milly needs a cold one after that

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Flat Milly Visits Dave Up In Maine

What was she thinkin, anything? Dave showed her around and introduced her to his monkey. The monkey got jealous because he doesn't have a webpage, so he tried to steal FM's coat and bag. Hey, you know how monkeys are...

Flat Milly says; I had a wonderful time, but could you ask your monkey to give my credit cards back?

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Flat Milly Goes To School

Flat Milly visits Kelly who is teaching 7th grade in Nova Scotia. For last class today the students were decorating the class door for winter carnival and the theme was "In the Jungle".

Flat Milly sitting on the white board

Flat Milly checking out the book display

The students after they finished the door

Flat Milly sitting in a student's pocket

Finally the day was over and back at home Flat Milly met Piglet

I hope Flat Milly passed the science test! Kelly